Buying property is a special moment in life, but it can also be exhausting for us. Lots of information is needed around the object and this results in a big amount of paper work. This can be very exhausting for the seller as well as the buyer. The frustration that builds might leave a bitter after taste and lessen the joy about the newly acquired property.
Therefore, envivo helps EK Immobilien to make the purchase process as pleasant as possible for the customers. All documents are provided on a personalized microsite – the process and the current status of the purchase process are transparent.
And sharing all the information of the purchasing process is made very easy so all decision makers are kept in the loop. The microsite allows for clustering of the information as well as a full communication platform with chat options. No information will be lost in an e-mail inbox.
Satisfied customers buy faster
By simplifying the purchase process, not only has the customer satisfaction of EK Immobilien customers increased in terms of the buying experience – the positive purchasing decisions were also made much faster.